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Infection and Immunity Zurich

HMZ Seed Project

The gut microbiota: shielding against infection, but sensitive to intervention?

Prof. Wolf-Dietrich Hardt (ETH), Prof. Gerhard Rogler (USZ), Prof. Uwe Sauer (ETH), Prof. Christian von Mering (UZH)  

The gut harbors a dense microbial community (microbiota) with numerous functions in health and disease, including protection from enteropathogenic bacteria. This  so-called “colonization resistance” will be investigated in the present HMZ Seed Project. Lactulose, a disaccharide routinely used in diagnostic procedures, increases the susceptibility to diarrheal infections caused for example by Samonella spp.. By using an indicator-strain approach, it will be examined if lactulose disrupts the colonization resistance. To this end, growth of Escherichia coli, a normal component of the gut microbiota, is monitored upon lactulose treatment. In a mouse model, the indicator-strain approach will be verified and further investigated.

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HMZ Seed Project

The Seed Projects of Hochschulmedizin Zürich (HMZ) are intended to foster interdisciplinary, medical research at the interface of basic sciences and clinical application.